Thousands of Candidates, Joint Recruitment Site BUMN Down
In December 2022, BUMN batch 2 recruitment will reopen. December 1, 2022, to December 7, 2022, will be the registration period. However, there is currently a server error or downtime on the BUMN website or recruitment site.
New Trailer Genshin Impact Updated "Play Genius Invokation TCG, please!"
Introducing Genius Invokation TCG, the wildly popular card game in Teyvat! Let's not, however, jump the gun. The Cat's Tail is the place to go to hear what Diona has to say.
327 People Died After the Cianjur Earthquake
Rescue team for the Cianjur earthquake was successful in locating 4 bodies at the search site. After the discovery, 327 people have died.
According to Mark Mobius, the price of bitcoin could drop by 40% to $10,000 in 2023
Veteran investor Mark Mobius warned on Thursday that the price of bitcoin may drop to $10,000, a drop of more than 40% from present levels.
This Week, You Must Check Out These 5 Indonesia Celebrity Instagrams.
This week's Indonesia celeb Instagram posts are listed below.
Know the Strengths and Weaknesses of Wuling Air Ev
The Indonesian automotive market has been revitalized by Wuling Air ev, which is currently the least expensive electric vehicle. Standard range model sold for IDR 238 million and long range variant sold for IDR 295 million.
Must try: 6 of Indonesia's tastiest foods
You should be familiar with, or at the very least have tried, the varied cuisines of the archipelago as an Indonesian. What Indonesian specialties have you ever tried? Check it out.
Most 4 Well-liked Holiday Travel Locations for 2022
You might think about using your year-end vacation time to visit one of these most 4 popular tourist destinations in 2022. either with a partner or family.
Getting started with Video Blogging
Videoblogging is the next generation of posting ideas and products over the internet.
Writing Articles as an Affordable Internet Marketing Method
From Overture, a keyword suggestion tool, you will see the millions of searches done to a certain keyword.
Good News For Penguins And Whales: The Antarctic Ross Sea Has Just Become The World's Largest Marine Reserve!
With 598,000 square miles of protected area, a space twice the size of Texas, one of the world's most untouched areas will now be sure to stay that wa...
Beginners Guide to Blogging
A blog is basically an online journal wherein you can digitally pen down your thoughts, ideas, opinions and practically anything that you want people to read.
PPC Advertising How to make your business Click
PPC stands for Pay Per Click - a popular advertising technique on the Internet.
Becoming A Healthy Eater
Being a healthy eater requires you to become both educated and smart about what healthy eating actually is.
Tips To Apply For A Credit Card
Filling out a credit card application is just like filling out a job application-everyone needs some tips to use so that they get approved.