Must try: 6 of Indonesia's tastiest foods
You should be familiar with, or at the very least have tried, the varied cuisines of the archipelago as an Indonesian. What Indonesian specialties have you ever tried? Check it out.

3. Bakso


The meatball/Bakso tops the list of the tastiest foods in Indonesia. This cuisine is widely known and accessible throughout Indonesia. It wouldn't be incorrect to include meatballs on a list of the tastiest foods given their reasonable price of around Rp. 5,000 and delicious flavor.


4. Various Processed Noodles

In terms of cuisine, Indonesia features a range of well-known noodle dishes. Other processed noodles from other regions that are equally wonderful and well-known include fried noodles, chicken noodles, Acehnese noodles, and others. It is simple to find the tastiest food in Indonesia and can be purchased for as little as Rp. 5.000, so enjoying it is not difficult.


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